About us

The high demand for pilots in the aviation industry calls for a qualitative training provider in the Eastern-European region. Our purpose is to establish ourselves as a leader in the professional European pilot training market, through a combination of strong management capability, highly experienced instructors, and modern training tools. Our vision is to train aspiring pilots at the standards of the present airline industry needs: jet handling, multi-crew and CRM skills.


Head of Training; Wizz Air Airbus A320 Type Rating Instructor and Flight Crew Standardization Instructor

Tudor-Adrian GÎNGA

Accountable Manager; Chief Executive Officer


Compliance Monitoring Manager; Wizz Air Airbus A320 Line Training Captain


Safety Manager; Wizz Air Airbus A320 Line Training Captain and Check Airman

Certificat de înregistrare.pdf
Certificat constatator.pdf
ATO Certificate RO ATO-23.pdf